Jupiter Orthodontics

24 N. Loxahatchee Dr. #4
Jupiter, FL
Near the corner of Military Tr
and Indiantown Rd.

Our Blog


February 1st, 2015

The Damon Smile

Damon Smile braces are the most popular and consistently used orthodontic treatment at Jupiter Orthodontics.  With Damon rackets you’ll experience more comfortable and hygienic treatment/patients prefer this over all other available braces.  Damon Smile does not have ligatures or modules.   Especially popular is the fact that less office visits are required!

Why Damon is different

The number one reason many patients prefer Damon Smile is because they are available in clear for a IMG_20150112_112849more aesthetically pleasing smile while in treatment. Also, you’ll be happy to know, patients who wear Damon Smile braces will have less discomfort because less force is applied. Particularly notable is that most often there is no need to extract teeth to make room in the patient’s mouth.

Typically oral hygiene can be a problem for many teens wearing braces. However, with the reduction of modules to trap bacteria in, your teeth are able to stay cleaner.

Treatment time

With the advanced Damon technology teeth are straightened faster with less pain and the treatment time is considerable less. That is another reason Dr. King prefers Damon over other types of treatment. Treatment time will of course vary from patient to patient depending on what your individual needs are, so you need to make an appointment with Dr. King to evaluate what will benefit you the most.

Overall Success

Patients are very happy with Damon Smile. With less irritation, less treatment time, as well as better-looking aesthetics, patients love all of the bonuses that come along with this type of treatment. Call our office and set up your complimentary consultation appointment with Dr. King to see how well this popular option will work for you.


January 6th, 2015

One objection some patients have with orthodontic treatment is that they just don’t want to have “healthy teeth” removed. Are there alternatives to removing healthy teeth?

There are several reasons why an orthodontist would prescribe the removal of permanent teeth in a treatment plan. The most common are crowding, overbite, protrusive teeth, and asymmetries. In theory it may be possible to treat all orthodontic problems without removing teeth; however orthodontists must consider the overall picture when making that determination.

Some variables might be:

  1. Length of treatment.
  2. Treatment efficiency.
  3. Condition of the teeth.
  4. Patient compliance.
  5. Cost (keeping the teeth may increase treatment time).

There are situations where the best outcome cannot be achieved with a full set of teeth and extractions are unavoidable. Eliminating severe crowding or dental protrusion in both arches for example, usually require the removal of teeth. When it is unavoidable, healthy teeth that are removed are ‘sacrificed’ (giving up something good to get something better) so that bigger problems can be corrected.

Three examples of giving up healthy teeth to achieve better results include:

  1. Making room to avoid pushing them out of the bone or cause gum recession.
  2. Creating space to move front teeth back so the lips can close more naturally.
  3. Allowing the top teeth to be moved back to correct an overbite preventing the need for surgery.

Yes, a healthy tooth may have to be removed, but the results are usually more desirable overall. As an orthodontist, I truly care about preserving healthy teeth. It is important to identify ALL of the problems that exist, evaluate every available option, and then formulate a plan providing the maximum benefit. Typically, I can provide treatment without removing teeth, which is my personal preference and if I can remove unhealthy teeth instead of healthy ones, I’ll do that for sure. In the end your customized treatment plan based on my years of training and expertise will give you a result that is much healthier than before your treatment began.

Call my office and Ashley or Mollie will schedule your free evaluation which will solidify your decision to have treatment at Jupiter Orthodontics in which you will have complete confidence.



December 15th, 2014

It is definitely a challenge to brush well while wearing braces. Dr. King thought you would appreciate some tips that will help you keep your teeth clean so that they will look even more amazing when the braces come off.

  • First, use a soft toothbrush. The most important place to keep clean during orthodontic treatment is above your braces (between the braces and the gums). It is impossible to brush the enamel surface without contacting the gums with the bristles. Hard or medium brushes could damage the gums and should be avoided.
  • Second, start brushing using a wet toothbrush, no toothpaste. Toothpaste does contain ingredients that are important for the health of your teeth, but the foam it creates makes it hard to see what you are doing. After you have done a thorough job brushing, THEN you can add a small amount of toothpaste so that you can take advantage of the fluoride, whiteners, abrasives (yes abrasives!), and breath fresheners that are in the paste.
  • Third, scrubbing does a decent job on the surface of the braces, but that action will not remove plaque and food that are caught under the wires and brackets. Using your wet tooth brush, begin removing debris by using a picking motion. The bristles act like little toothpicks reaching the smallest hiding places in your orthodontic appliances
  • Four, spend at least two FULL minutes brushing your teeth. You should spend at least 30 seconds on each side of your teeth. (Upper right and left/lower right and left) You may think that you already do this, but time yourself and you’ll find that you, (like most people) are brushing an average of only 30 seconds for your entire mouth!
  • Five, the best toothpaste to use is the one the patient likes and encourages them to brush for a full two minutes. Research shows that the most important variables when it comes to good oral hygiene is the TIME SPENT and the technique used and not the brand of toothpaste. Most toothpastes have fluoride which is the most important ingredient.
  • Six, when you are done brushing in the morning, go ahead and rinse your mouth after brushing. Before bed however, spit but DO NOT RINSE. Research shows that teeth receive just as much fluoride by not rinsing as they do when you apply an expensive fluoride supplement.
  • Seven, I am a big fan of any technology that encourages my patients to spend more time brushing.  Electric toothbrushes do a good job supplementing the manual movements of the toothbrush bristles over the teeth. Some brushes that vibrate have been shown to clean a little better than those that rotate. Again, I endorse any brush that makes my patients brush longer than they would otherwisetest.


November 4th, 2014

Having braces removed is such an exciting event for all my patients and I am happy to say that White spot lesionsrarely do any of my patients have white spots after the braces come off.

The white spot lesions (demineralization/calcification) are caused by dental plaque, which is the same thing that causes cavities.  The white, chalky marks form on the teeth when acids from the plaque remove  minerals  from  the  tooth  which  causes  it  to reflect light differently.   Typically  these  spots  will  be seen between the gums and brackets  where  it  is  more  difficult  to  brush  when  wearing braces.  The good news is that braces DO NOT cause these spots on the teeth;  however  they  do  make  it  more difficult  to remove the plaque which is the real problem.

Yes, there are ways to prevent these white lesions. Plaque removal is the ONLY sure way to prevent them. You’ll find that starting with your first visit to my office the importance of removing plaque is stressed and you will be encouraged to give careful attention to your oral hygiene. There are expensive products that can be used but nothing can replace good oral hygiene when it comes to preventing white spot lesions.

If you do have white spots on your teeth after braces, the first step to take is to be diligent with keeping your teeth clean and allow the normal oral fluids to bathe your teeth for six months. Experts advise AGAINST applying extra fluoride during this healing period as it may seal the surface of the lesion and prevent re-mineralization below the surface. After six months, low concentration over-the-counter fluoride rinses and remineralization pastes (like Recaldent and MI Paste) can then be applied.
When it is all said and done, white spot lesions are caused by plaque. Coating your teeth with extra fluoride or sealing your teeth with the newest products may help some, but the best solution happens with your toothbrush, toothpaste and a little water! The daily, regular removal of plaque will keep dental plaque off of your teeth and white spot lesions will never ruin your deband celebration!
Feel free to call the office or go to Jupiter-Orthodontics.com and use the “ASK A QUESTION” button on the home page.

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